Sunday, March 4, 2012

2 + 1 = 3 (YAY)

It's Monday night....our birth mom, Katie's, timeline to change her mind has Jones is now a part of our family. We are still waiting for the paperwork to go through, so we can leave Virginia...but we have cleared the first hurdle!

We have spent some time with Katie today. First, we went to Jones' doctor appointment for his jaundice. We got good news that his level dropped from 14.1 to 9.7. The doc was happy about that. He has requested that we follow up on Jones' bump on his head when we get back to Arkansas. So we will keep an eye on that! After the doctor appointment, we went to Panera for lunch. Then when we got back to the hotel Travis talked to Katie about college. After that we went shopping. ;) Then tonight Katie's aunt and cousins came to visit the baby at the hotel. It was a very busy day!

Overall, we are feeling so blessed!! We love this sweet baby boy! Travis and I have had the most wonderful 9 1/2 years of marriage. I don't think I could say anything was ever missing....however now that we have Jones, our family is a new kind of "complete"! And as for Katie...she brings a new light into our lives as well. I truly believe that God designed this arrangement, prayer after prayer and tear after tear....I now see the method behind his madness. ;)

Ok, so now we are just waiting for "those papers" to go through and the "all clear" to head back to Arkansas!!

We are very excited to show Jones off to all our anxiously waiting family and friends. Thank you so much for the prayers and positive thoughts!! We could not only feel them, but we could see them at work!!

Lots of love...back at ya!!


  1. awesomeeeeeee!!! please bring him by the vandy lounge for a little visit one day! i hope katie does get to go to college and finds some people who will inspire and encourage her, besides what you've done for her. be careful!

  2. I have tears of joy right now! God is good. Love you guys and cant wait to meet precious Jones :)

  3. I am so happy for you two, you deserve this! Take Care and Enjoy this special time, they grow up so fast! Katie IS a very Special person, May God Bless Her!

    Chaille Reynolds Crandall

  4. Congrats to all of you! God has done wonderful things here today! Wishing you all the happiness for your family! Love you guys! Hugs here from IOWA!!!!

  5. Congrats Nicole and Travis!!! That is wonderful news. I can't wait to meet Jones. He is such a lucky little guy to have such wonderful people as you two in his lives now. Keep the pictures coming! :)
